The Buddying Scheme
The aim of the Buddying scheme is to bring together two people from different faiths or non-religious backgrounds, so that they can share with, and learn from, each other. The two buddies meet together regularly over a limited time period, to explore what is important to them in the context of their wider communities. The dialogue may lead to longer term conversations and friendships, and to new forms of practical co-operation between faith communities.

How do I join the IFCG Buddying Scheme, or find out more?
Please email with your enquiry.
Some practical pointers for participants
Getting Started
- Agree your expectations, for example about frequency, medium and duration of contact (you can always agree to change that later), respectful engagement, what you hope to gain from the exchange, etc.
- Set any boundaries of what you are happy to discuss (for example, some might wish not to discuss events in other countries).
- Be realistic about what kinds of questions and responses will work within the format.
- Take a few minutes to go through together Building Good Relations with People of Different Faiths and Beliefs and to agree these or other ground rules that you wish to have.
- Agree that your exchange will be private to you, except what you both agree to share at the end of the process.
- Begin by sharing a little about yourselves and asking a question of each other.
- Bear in mind that there are times when faith festivals may have some impact on people’s ability to reply to each other swiftly.
Questions you might wish to explore during the buddying process
- How does your faith or non-religious belief shape your daily life?
- What, in your faith or non-religious belief, encourages service to others in society?
- How does your faith or non-religious belief shape your approach to particular issues such as social justice, the environment, care for others, or education
Sharing what you have learned
- Agree together what you might like to share with others about your conversations – what have you have learned from them, and what points have emerged that would be of interest to others?
- Agree how you will share these thoughts. The IFCG might wish to feature some of your reflections as part on a face to face or online discussion or event during, for example, Inter Faith Week.
- Safeguarding and Safety
- Safeguarding is very important. Buddies must be over the age of 18 years and must be willing to commit to engaging in respectful listening and dialogue. They should also respect the privacy and security of other buddies and their families.
- You may be happy to meet face to face, but there are many other ways that you could choose to engage, including by telephone, email, letter, or virtually (eg on Zoom, Skype, Messenger, Hangouts, Teams, WhatsApp, Facetime). You might wish to start with a virtual contact and before continuing your dialogue face to face.
- Whichever virtual platform you choose, it is important that you feel safe and keep yourself safe. All major platform providers give safety and security advice and it is worth having a look at that before you begin.
- When meeting in person, at least initially, we recommend that you agree to meet in a public place such as a café or park.
- Do not share your phone number, WhatsApp, address, email, social media profiles etc unless you are both comfortable with doing so.
- Do not share anyone else’s phone number (including WhatsApp, WeChat, etc), address, email, social media profiles or any other form of personally identifiable information.
Questions or Concerns
If you do not feel comfortable with the Buddy you have been matched with, or problems occur during the course of your dialogue, please get in touch with the scheme co-ordinator at If need be, the process can be brought to an end, and another Buddy found for the participants.
Contact Buddying Scheme
Other sources of information about Buddying
You can read more about the scheme on the IFN website at .
The scheme co-ordinator will invite you to read the following online leaflets on the IFN website, as these set out the background, the basic rules and the safeguards covering the scheme.
- Let’s Talk: Practical Pointers for Inter Faith Dialogue, Inter Faith Network (2017) This is a substantial booklet, covering all aspects of inter Faith dialogue and not just Buddying. It is well worth reading, for background.
- Building Good Relations with People of Different Faiths and Beliefs (Code), IFN (updated 2022) This short leaflet sets out the ground rules for dialogue.
Inter Faith Buddies – notes by IFN on Inter Faith Buddying (under ‘Dialogue’ on the website)