The name of the Group shall be the Brighton & Hove Inter-Faith Contact Group, hereinafter referred to as the IFCG.
Having endorsed the Inter Faith Network for the United Kingdom’s code of conduct, Building Good Relations with People of Different Faiths and Beliefs, the aims of the IFCG shall be –
- a) to help build and maintain good relations and greater understanding between different communities of faith and belief
- b) to provide a forum for discussion of matters of mutual concern
- c) to organise and promote inter-faith activities.
The Mayor of Brighton and Hove shall be invited to be the Honorary President of the IFCG.
Membership of the IFCG shall be open to all individuals who –
- a) reside, work or worship in Brighton & Hove
- b) agree with the Aims of the IFCG
- c) pay the subscription as laid down at the Annual General Meeting [AGM].
- a) Purpose
There shall be an Executive Committee in order to –
- organise the activities and meetings of the IFCG
(ii) co-ordinate the work of the IFCG.
- b) Membership
(i) Each faith/tradition shall be entitled to not more than two representatives on the Executive Committee. Officers of the Executive Committee shall not be regarded as being part of this number for this purpose.
(ii) Officers:
- Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer.
- a) There shall be an annual subscription
- b) The subscription shall be determined at the AGM.
- c) The Finances of the IFCG shall be overseen by the Committee with the day to day management performed by the Treasurer. The committee may exercise all such powers of the IFCG as are required to be exercised by the IFCG in general meeting and/or by two thirds of the committee. All cheques and other negotiable instruments, and all receipts for moneys paid to the IFCG, shall be signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed or otherwise executed, as the case may be, in such manner as the committee shall from time to time determine.
The AGM delegates the committee to instruct the treasurer to apply for internet banking with the treasurer as primary user and the secretary as the 1st other user.
- a) There shall be an Annual General Meeting
- b) Any subscribing individual shall have one vote at the AGM.
- c) The AGM shall receive reports from –
- the Secretary
(ii) the Treasurer, which shall include the annual accounts
(iii) the Auditor.
- d) The AGM shall elect –
(i) the Chair
(ii) the Secretary
(iii) the Treasurer
(iv) the Auditor, who may not be a member of the IFCG.
Any amendments to the Constitution shall need the approval of two-thirds of the Executive Committee present and voting and two-thirds of the subsequent AGM present and voting.
In the event of the dissolution of the IFCG any funds remaining shall go to the Inter Faith Network for the United Kingdom.
The following statement has been endorsed by the IFCG affiliated faith communities and traditions:
Many Faiths, One People
We bring greetings from the faith communities and traditions to the Mayor, Members of Parliament, City Councillors and people of Brighton and Hove. We offer to the City of Brighton and Hove our common commitment two seek to live together in peace and goodwill. We affirm our desire to promote respect and tolerance for the integrity of each other’s beliefs cultures and traditions. This desire arises not only from our common humanity, but also from being people of faith and people of none. We recognise that as neighbours, we have responsibilities to the community the world and ourselves. We therefore urge all citizens both religious and non-religious to put aside intolerance, prejudice and divisiveness to attain peaceful and fruitful coexistence.