We are currently asking our members to pay electronically via our Membership Secretary. Please email him, and he will give you instructions as how you can pay.

His email is: memsec@interfaithcontactgroup.com

Thank you so much for your generous support… it is so important at this time.

Individual IFCG Membership is currently £15 per year

Ideally, members should attend a faith/tradition in the Brighton and Hove area, but those of no faith are also welcome. You must, however, agree with the Constitution of the IFCG. 

If you wish to pay us electronically, please let our membership secretary know, put your name as the reference in the transaction, and pay your membership fee of £15 to the IFCG Bank Account at the HSBC

The Account Name is: Brighton and Hove Inter-faith Contact Group (IFCG)

Sort Code 40-25-06

Account Number 61229354

Thank you